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How to claim SEAG Transfer Test Special Circumstances - guidelines for Parents/Carers;

SEAG Special circumstances

This information and links are provided for guidance only. Ensure that you follow the process correctly by contacting SEAG and/or the relevant school(s). We can accept no responsibility for how you use this information.

Please note that any completed forms should NOT be submitted to individual schools but uploaded via the EA portal when applying to post primary schools.

EA portal will be open from 30th January until 22nd February 2024.

This information is for Parents & Guardians of children who have taken the SEAG 2023 Entrance Assessment and received Outcomes on the basis of having sat both assessment papers.

Follow this link for detailed explanation about "Claiming Special Circumstances."

Follow this link for the a sample of the relevant form which must be completed accurately and in time.  "Claiming Special Circumstances Form".

Please note that decisions regarding the admission of any child to any individual school are made by the Board of Governors of that school. Parents and guardians are advised to carefully read the published 

Admissions Criteria of each school for which they intend to apply for a place for their child, particularly those sections which provide information on the school's procedures for application of Special Circumstances. Individual schools can apply different methods of assessment. 

You may also contact the schools directly for information about Special Circumstances.

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