FAQs about SEAG Test

Who or what is SEAG?
The Schools’ Entrance Assessment Group (SEAG) is the body managing the Northern Ireland transfer Test. SEAG is open to all 62 of the post-primary schools in N. Ireland which use academic selection for all or part of their Year 8 intake.
SEAG is not under the control of the Department of Education, the Education Authority or any public body and does not report to the Department of Education, the Education Authority or any public body. SEAG includes Controlled and Voluntary Grammar Schools and Integrated Schools in its membership.
What is the role of SEAG?
The role of SEAG is to provide an Entrance Assessment for use by its member schools. The results obtained by pupils will be used by grammar schools as part of its admissions criteria for pupils who will be transferring from primary school to one of the SEAG member schools.
How many SEAG member schools are there?
There are 62 grammar (post-primary) SEAG member schools in N. Ireland which use academic selection for all or part of their Year 8 intake criteria.
How does this effect the AQE or GL Transfer Tests?
In the past parents could choose for their child to sit either or both the AQE or PPTC (GL) Assessments. Using the new SEAG Transfer Test every P7 pupil will have to sit one version of the SEAG Transfer Test and their results will be accepted by all 62 SEAG member schools.
Who can sit the new SEAG Transfer Test?
Generally children born between 2nd July 2013 and 1st July 2014 will be eligible to take the 2024 SEAG Entrance Assessment. Applications may be accepted for children outside of this age range but will reuire the support of the Principal of the child’s primary school.
Is there a cost to sit the SEAG Transfer Test?
There is an administration fee of £20 to register a child to sit the SEAG Transfer Test. Pupils with a Free School Meals Entitlement (FSME) are exempt from the £20 fee.
Do I need to register my child to sit the SEAG Transfer Test?
Only pupils who are registered can sit the Entrance Assessment as this allows SEAG to put in place arrangements for your child to take the Entrance Assessment in one of the SEAG Assessment Centres.
When can I register my child and how do I do it?
You will be able to register online through a the SEAG website. Exact dates have still to be finalised but registration is likely to be open between early May 2023 and mid-September 2023.
Where and when does my child sit the SEAG Entrance Assessment?
It is thought that the SEAG Entrance Assessment will take place on Saturday 16th November 2024 (Paper 1) and Saturday 23rd November 2024 (Paper 2). You will have the opportunity to indicate, in order, the Assessment Centres which are the most convenient for you. The Assessment Centre where your child sits the test does not effect the school that you can apply for.