Bangor Grammar School

Bangor Grammar- a brief overview.
Bangor Grammar School (also known as the Grammar or B.G.S.), is a boys’ voluntary grammar school in Bangor. It was founded in 1856 by a Conservative politician, Col the Hon Robert Ward. Money to start the school came from Robert Ward. The politician bequeathed £1,000 to be, "…expended in building and endowing a School-house for the education of boys in Mathematics, Astronomy and Navigation…", in his family home town of Bangor which was also his parliamentary constituency. Due to increase in the school population Bangor Grammar has moved from site to site over a number of years and is now situated on the Gransha Road. It moved to its present site in 2013. The school now has a modern facility fit for its growing school population.
Bangor Grammar school uses the new SEAG Single Entrance Transfer Test results as part of its intake criteria into year 8.